The Hungarian Authentic a.k.a Humble, Unique, Authentic

The 14 books I read in 2022

The 14 books I read in 2022

All books I read in 2022

2022 was one of the most busiest year in my life (travelled 2.5x around the Globe) and there were long periods when I was not in the mood to read, so I could not reach my goal to read 15 books. My target may not was many in the eyes of a “bookworm” but comparing to myself it is. My interest is only a few genres like autobiography, memoir, self-help and spiritual, young adult fiction maybe some history. I usually read for the sake of gaining information not for pleasure. These kind of books require more attention and focus, often slowly progressing with.

You will notice, I described some of the books as an “easy read” and the reason I have chosen such books because -as I mentioned- last year was a very hectic one for me; I needed these books to keep my inner light steady but often I was not in a state to consume “heavy” books. 

Note: the list is in chronological order, how I read them. Feel free to pick any of them and change the order.

1. Wim Hof: The Wim Hof Method: Activate Your Full Human Potential I first heard about the WHM (Wim How Method) in Mexico, in Playa del Carmen, in a Men Circle spiritual group I used to go. I really liked the new experience, so I started doing the breathing technique along with having cold shower. However, I needed more info about what is the science behind all of this. The book gives a complete overview about all scientific researches been completed on Wim Hof, also about health benefits based on thousands of feedback given by everyday men and women. Actually, this book motivated to build in WHM breathing and cold shower to my daily route, inspired a lot. Loved the scientific fact behind brown fat and why is it better maintaining that, also about how easy I can stay fit and healthy with just 15 mins breathing technique in the morning and 5 minutes cold shower.

2. James Hollis: Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up There were some good thoughts in this book but for me it was too esoterical and hard to understand. Probably not something I would read it again.

3. Richard Bach: Jonathan Livingston Seagull This book did not give me much either. I found it boring and it did not have much saying to me. Maybe this book would have meant more when I was younger.

4. Will Smith & Mark Manson: Will  I watched some motivational videos from Will Smith on Youtube, so I bought his book as soon as it got released. It was a nice experience to follow Will Smith’s life and career, got know more about how he became a famous actor. Some teachings like building a brick wall brick by brick was very thought provoking. A bit long book, it could be a bit shorter in my opinion.

5. Joseph McClendon III: Get Happy Now! I first heard about Joseph on Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within seminar in London (2018). He was one of the main speaker next to Tony. I liked his style and his inventions to shift into good mood like “asstitude”. So, I read this book from him. This is very practical book about finding why to be happy and what actions must be taken towards a happy life. Without doing the exercises it does not give much value, so it is important to follow the instructions in the exercises to create lasting results.


6. Bear Grylls: Beck Granger Adventure #3 Mission Raptor I read before books from Bear Grylls, motivational ones like the Mud, sweat and Tears – loved it! This book is part of a series, written mainly for young adults. A nice, little adventure book, easy and fun, exciting to read. There are some useful surviving tips hidden in the story. After completing this book, I purchased the full series. I used this book to have some break between self-development books and just to have fun. 

7. Jordanna Levin: Make it Happen On a sunny afternoon I walked into a bookshop without any idea what book I want to buy and just chose this book from the shelf randomly. We can say, it called me. If you have ever read Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret, or heard about the Law of Attraction, Jordanna’s book is a more advanced guide about how to manifest things, events or people to our life. Key takeaway is the equation of Thought + Feeling + Faith + Action = Manifestation. I loved this book and planning to read it again.

8. Drew Povey: When the Clouds Come: Dealing with Difficulties, Facing Your Fears, and Overcoming Obstacles A practical book about what to do, how to think under pressure and when clouds come to your life. This book contains gold mines of knowledge and strategies to not only overcome life’s storms, but to excel and thrive. It was easy to read and understand.

9. Emma Cotterill: How to Help Someone with Depression: A Practical Handbook A must read book if you know someone struggle with depression in your connection. Again, a practical book about what and how to say to people having depression with example sentences. Very useful to avoid saying the wrong words and sentences when someone is in the need of our support.

10. Shoukei Matsumoto: A Quiet Mind: Buddhist Ways to Calm the Noise in Your Head This book was written by a monk from Japan. It was a nice and easy read, gave an overview of best calming practices in Buddhism.

11. Vishen Lakhiani: The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms

I got this book from my brother for my 40th Birthday. Vishen is the founder of Mindvalley and describes the 10 laws must govern our life. I read this book in Hungarian. This book is on my list to read it again in English to soak in all concepts and thoughts. I felt, there is so much groundbreaking information in this book and so much to apply in my life, very valuable!

12. Swami Purnachaitanya: Looking Inward: How to Find Calm in a Chaotic World A nice, little book about encouraging for doing meditation. How to do it properly and why. 

13. Sophie Golding: How to be Awesome This book contained mostly quotes and some tips, so it was an other easy read and a good affirmation; I am doing well and there is not much to adjust on my daily routine and generally, on my life. 

14. Jordanna Levin: Make You happen My first ever audio book was this book from Jordanna. I felt, this book was written more for women than men, while Make it Happen was written generally for both genders. There were many exercises I did not do because I listened to it only. I may well give a second try in a form of a book. Make it Happen remained my favourite from the author.

By the end of the year I reached to a conclusion; in 2023 I will read less self-help books because the more you read these books, the more concepts feel familiar. However, without taking action and applying what you read about all worth nothing. I consider myself wise enough, so let’s make 2023 the year, when I read less about how to live life and act more. I have a Blinkist and Mentorbox subscriptions now, where in 15-30 mins in a form a “white paper” or audio I can read/hear about the main takeaway of hundreds of self-help books. Use this link for Blinkist to get a free week trial!

If you liked this post, read my previous post too, about my books I read in 2021.

I hope you enjoyed this post, please share your feedback below in the comment section if you read any of these books. I would love to hear from You.

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