Originally the title was “A trip to the Baltics” but we ended up visiting only one Baltic country out of the three. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland are mentioned together -in political life- as Visegrad Group. V4 is a cultural and political alliance of these four countries and our trip can describe better as “visiting the V4 countries” rather than the “Baltic countries”. Well, we sometimes must adjust our plans to the current situation around us. We returned to Hungary sooner than expected, after four weeks! We originally planned to drive up to Tallin, Estonia. During our stay in Kaunas, we had to cancel this plan because of the Covid related restrictions in the Baltic countries, especially in Latvia. We stayed two weeks in Lithuania but Latvia went into lockdown, with strict restrictions and we did not want to go further. I wrote below about our trip in Czechia from a coffee shop in Kaunas and about our trip in Poland from a coffee shop in Vilnius. Enjoy :-).
Please continue reading about our first week in Prague on the next page.